Data Storage Management in Cloud Environment

Data Storage Management in Cloud Environment
这是一篇综述性质的文章,讲的是云计算环境的数据存储,这里先罗列下文章目录结构。 Introduction Overview A Comparison of Data-Intensive Networks Terms and Definitions Data-intensive Application Architecture, Goals and Chanllenges of Intra-Cloud Storage Architecture, Goals and Chanllenges of Inter-Cloud Storage Data Model Data Structure Data Abstraction Data Access Model ...

10 Patterns for Controlling the Cloud in AWS

10 Patterns for Controlling the Cloud in AWS
来源:AWS re: invent 2018 有些地方不大明白 🙁  Pattern 1: checksum all of the things Pattern 2: Cryptgraphic Authentication Encrypt and authenticate everything. Control Planes are powerful and security critical systems. Be able to revoke and rotate every credentials. But also watch out for certificate expiries.[??] Prevent human access to production credentials. Never allow a...